Watch, Learn, Communicate
People with ASD or with cognitive disabilities are neurodiverse. They think, learn, sense and communicate differently. Many times, they struggle or are even unable to interpret the world around them, which leads to low social competence, communication challenges and parental stress as well as heavy financial burden. When it comes to audio-visual consuming, they often aren’t interested or even avoid age related content that is usually consumed by their typically-developed peers. They would prefer shows that are targeted at younger audiences, or such with minimal narrative. Therefore, many

neurodiverse people end up missing out on many opportunities to learn and acquire important skills, needed for an independent life, which are presented in the age-related audio-visual content.
Snowflix’s goal is to improve viewing motivation, attention and comprehension for both verbal and nonverbal neurodiverse people, aiming to facilitate the above difficulties while addressing both viewers and caregivers.

For viewers - based on an in-depth study regarding neurodiverse viewing preferences, the accessibility method, offers the neurodiverse viewer a pioneer opportunity to view content adapted to their needs via various and unique real-time accessibility filters. Video color saturation adjustment, alternative colors viewing offer, various toon-style options, picture in picture modes and more, expose viewers to more complex and socially age-related content in addition to expanding their ability to understand it.
For Parents & Caregivers - Using Artificial Intelligence technology, Snowflix analyses the behaviors and content preferences of the viewers, measuring viewer’s interactions with audio-video content and delivers a unique data on a viewer’s communication preferences, fields of interest and abilities - Allowing better communication for parents and families, and assist caregivers to make data driven decisions and improve treatment strategies and effectiveness.

A comprehensive solution for families and caregivers. VOD, updated analysis dashboard & content recommendation engine
Eyal - Non-verbal autistic teenager
״This is simply amazing! Also, as accessibility, of course, but also for stimming control. For example, I have to do several things at the same time, that is the only way I can concentrate. It really helped me!״
Shahar Bar Yehuda Senior Autism Researcher
״I have no doubt that the idea that the project promotes today will become the reality of life for people with Autism״
Smadar Banin
Senior Behavioral Analyst
What Snowflix does is unique. To embark on a journey into the enigma of Autism. These small moments where we feel that we have managed to crack something small, facilitate or weave the learning interest - are exciting and very important moments
Rachel - Mother of an autistic adult
It seems like he didn’t pay attention to the message included in the video at first but When I asked him what was the message hidden in the movie, he could answer, even pointing it with his fingers
Igor - Father of an autistic teenager
What Snowflix does is unique. To embark on a journey into the enigma of Autism. These small moments where we feel that we have managed to crack something small, facilitate or weave the learning interest - are exciting and very important moments